Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Answer part 3: programmable instincts.

I asserted in part 2 that the brain is a computer. Where did that come from?

We must accept that we are descended from "animals". So whatever "Nature" we do have, can be seen in its "lesser" form in the animals. It is obvious that every animal follows a set of instincts. I'm saying that an  instinct is simply a program running on the computer that is the brain.

The "lower" animals will do the same thing over and over again  until something occurs preventing them from continuing the same action. We all know that is exactly how a computer works. The program goes into a loop until the countereaches zero or whenever the "If" condition is met. We can therefore safely conclude that the brains of the lower animals are actual conputers.

At this point,  I'm not dealing with how programs work on the brain computer, that's for later posts.

In the lower animals, it is obvious that their instincts are set in stone. They seem to be unchangeable. But it is not so in the higher animals.

We are all familiar with the famous Pavlov experiment. The dog is conditioned to react to the sound of the bell by associating it with food. Surely, the dog is simply following its instinct to eat when it's hungry. Yet this instinct can be "modified".     

It is my conclusion therefore that in the higher anumals ourselves included, instincts are programmable. This is not a giant insight really. Since I have already concluded that an instinct is simply a program, it follows that it must be programmable. All computer programs are 

This conclusion will be  at the heart of the first milestone of this investigation.  That milestone is coming soon. It's getting exciting!

#TheBrain #TheMind #Instincts #Consciousness

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